personal growth Speakers

We aren’t born perfect. No matter our age, every human being on Earth has the chance to improve and grow. That’s why WSB connects event planners with pioneers who think big. From business advisors to CEOs and psychologists, our experienced personal growth speakers have the chops to awaken your attendees to their unlimited potential. Available for in-person or virtual events and meetings.

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WSB Exclusive Speaker

Leon Panetta

U.S. Secretary of Defense (2011-2013), Director, Central Intelligence Agency (2009-2011), Chief of Staff to President Bill Clinton (1994-1997), Director, U.S. Office of Management and Budget (1993-1994) and Co-founder, Panetta Institute for Public Policy

Contact WSB for Fees

Didn’t find the personal growth speaker you were looking for? WSB works with many of the industry’s top speakers each year. Our team of experienced speaker agents is committed to helping you find the perfect speaker for your event. Please contact us for a custom proposal.