Tim Ryan Profile Photo

Tim Ryan

Keynote Speaker

President and CEO Celtic Consulting; U.S. House of Representatives (2003-2023) 

Tim Ryan delivers a high-energy, inspiring experience, sharing real-life stories from his 20-year tenure in the US Congress. Drawing on examples from political and spiritual leaders, mythology and religion, coaches and sports psychologists, as well as down-home experiences from his working-class upbringing in the steel towns of Northeast Ohio, he challenges audiences to lead, to think differently, and cultivate a spirit of gratitude for being American.

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Tim Ryan'S SPEAKING FEE $25K - $40K

Tim Ryan Profile Photo

Tim Ryan’s message is clear — in these times of change and challenge, healing America starts with healing ourselves. Through years of teaching and advocating for mindfulness meditation, he’s shown how these practices reduce stress, build resilience, and increase clarity in the face of adversity. Mindfulness, in his view, isn’t just a tool for personal peace; it’s a strategy for fostering leadership, better decision-making, and ultimately bridging divides. This practice is used by the military, high-performing athletes, and CEO’s. Ryan’s commitment to promoting mindfulness is rooted in his own experience, using it to withstand the pressures of high-stakes political campaigns and turbulent times in his 20 years working in the halls of Congress. With a focus on pragmatic solutions, he aims to inspire individuals and leaders to drive meaningful change for themselves, their organizations, and the country. And he reminds us that lasting change is ultimately an inside job. 

Featured Videos

Tim Ryan Profile Photo
Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan on Standing Up for Economic Freedom

Tim Ryan Profile Photo
Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan on Bringing Justice to All Citizens

Tim Ryan Profile Photo
Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan on What America Needs

Tim Ryan Profile Photo
Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan on the Highest Title in the United States

Tim Ryan Profile Photo
Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan Delivers Farewell Speech on the House Floor

Tim Ryan’s Speech Topics

  • A Look into the 2024 Election with Tim Ryan

    After two decades of public service as a member of Congress, join Tim Ryan as he shares his perspective and opinion on the most critical policies, the state of American politics — and what each political party should be doing to appeal to everyday Americans — and unpack the possibilities that the 2024 election may reveal.

    Through this session, audiences will learn the following:

    • How can candidates persuade and capture the votes of everyday Americans? 
    • How does recent legislation affect Americans, and which issues motivate voters to head to the polls? 
    • How will the exhausted majority vote this election season, and what issues are swaying this demographic?
  • Leadership Lessons from a Public Servant

    From All-State High School Quarterback in football-rich Northeast Ohio to a high-ranking leader in the United States Congress representing his hometown for 20 years, in this keynote, Tim Ryan shares the lessons he’s learned along the way, including the importance of a good attitude, grit, and teamwork. In this time, Ryan believes we must raise and endorse leaders, in politics and in business, who have the nerve to say no to the extremes and the mob mentality in today’s world. With real-world stories of his own battles taking on both Democrats and Republicans in Congress, Ryan provides a roadmap for how strong leaders can help create a new America.

  • Healing America: Building an Age of Reconciliation & Reform

    Tim Ryan believes that to move forward as a society, we must reconnect with our communities and each other and enter an era of reform & reconciliation. During this keynote, drawing on his experience as a former US Representative, he discusses the importance of civic engagement and pragmatic solutions to create a path toward a future that serves the people. By embracing a feeling of gratitude for being Americans and a commitment to serve the greater good, we can leverage our technological prowess with the American spirit to usher in a new age for America—an America where no child, family, business, or community is left behind. 


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