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Scott Barry Kaufman

Keynote Speaker

Cognitive Scientist and Humanistic Psychologist; Founder and Director, Center for The Science of Human Potential; Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Wellbeing Science; Host: The Psychology Podcast

"It's time for a more dynamic conceptualization of potential that takes into account each person's unique package of personal characteristics, dreams, passions, goals, and development." – Scott Barry Kaufman

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Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo

Renowned humanistic psychologist, Scott Barry Kaufman, explores the depths of human potential by challenging traditional metrics of success. Using his research, knowledge of the science, and enthusiasm, Kaufman helps all kinds of minds live a more creative, fulfilling, and self-actualized life.

His early educational experiences made him realize the deep reservoir of untapped potential of students, including bright and creative children who have been diagnosed with a learning disability. Today, Kaufman shares the science of thriving at work and growing from setback as well as how to release flow and creativity in the workplace.

Scott’s a force of nature


His latest book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, presents a new hierarchy of human needs for the 21st century, one that allows for the fulfillment of individual potential as well as the actualization of transcendent purpose and peak experiences. He is the author of Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind, Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined, Twice Exceptional: Supporting and Educating Bright and Creative Students with Learning Difficulties, The Complexity of Greatness: Beyond Talent or Practice, The Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, The Philosophy of Creativity: New Essays, and The Psychology of Creative Writing.

You’re a force for humanity. I’m so glad to have someone like you fighting for positive changes that so many of us know we need in the world.


Kaufman has received numerous accolades his research and in 2020 was selected as one of “The Top 20 Psychologists 40 & Under” by The Best Schools. He has also been recognized as one of “50 groundbreaking scientists who are changing the way we see the world” by Business Insider.

Kaufman is a regular contributor to Scientific American, sharing insights into intelligence, creativity, personality, and well-being. He has also written for The Atlantic, Psychology Today, and Harvard Business Review. Kaufman hosts the #1 psychology podcast in the world, “The Psychology Podcast,” which has received over 15 million downloads and was included in Business Insider’s list of “9 podcasts that will change how you think about human behavior.”

leading empirical creativity researcher of his generation.


Kaufman has taught courses on intelligence, creativity, and well-being at Columbia University, NYU, the University of Pennsylvania, among others. During his time at University of Pennsylvania, Kaufman was asked by Angela Duckworth to take over her U Penn course, Introduction to Positive Psychology as she was working on her book Grit. Upon the book’s completion, she asked Kaufman to keep the class as it had become so popular under his lead. During his tenure as Scientific Director of the Imagination Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, he investigated how we measure human potential, perseverance, achievement, and creativity.

Challenging stereotypes, Kaufman determined his own path that led him from special-ed to scientist. He received a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Yale University, and an MPhil in experimental psychology from the University of Cambridge under a Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Kaufman is a flow and self-actualization coach, in which he personally helps people get more engaged in their work and reach their full potential. He has shared his ideas all over the world, including for major groups at LEGO, Vogue, the Aspen Ideas Festival, and the Creativity World Forum.

Featured Videos

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Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman Speaking Reel

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Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Cultivating Passion

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on The Messy Minds of Creative People

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Revising Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Challenging How We Measure Intelligence

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Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Allowing Achievement to Trump Potential

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Updating Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for the 21st Century

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Setting SMART Goals

Scott Barry Kaufman Profile Photo
Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman on Embracing All of Your Emotions

Scott Barry Kaufman’s Speech Topics

  • Rise Above: How to Reach Your Full Potential and Empower Others

    Never before has the world been busier, more convoluted, and difficult to navigate than it is today. Competition is fierce and the technology that is penetrating the market is confusing us in ways we’ve never imagined before. Of course all of this results in an inability to perform at our best, be as productive as we’d like to be, and ultimately achieve the creativity and excellence that we know we’re capable of. We need to stop trying to push harder, work faster, and blindly do more, and instead learn strategies that will truly help us be more creative, self-actualize, regulate our emotions, and not only bounce back but grow forward after distress.

    Scott Barry Kaufman is a top 1% most cited scientists in the world, has a Ph.D. from Yale, has taught with Oprah, and hosts the #1 psychology podcast in the world because of his ability to help the leaders around the world rise above and achieve maximum human potential. Kaufman differentiates “potential inhibitors” from “potential activators” and systematically helps attendees harness an empowering mindset, regulate their emotions, be mindful of their character strengths, and channel their thoughts into higher creativity and productivity. 

    In this engaging, actionable, and humorous talk, Scott Barry Kaufman helps people transition from fear about the future to confidence like they’ve never experienced before so that they can continue to perform at their best and achieve the excellence they know is possible by implementing these science-backed strategies and leading incredibly high performing teams along the way.

    Attendees will learn:

    • The characteristics and actions to effectively self-actualize
    • The science of psychological flexibility and thought regulation
    • How the sailboat model can guide you to your desired destination
    • How to draw on and leverage unique character strengths to rise above
    • 5 dangers to avoid when seeking and living an empowerment mindset

  • A New View of Intelligence

    In an educational system founded on rigid standards and categories, students who demonstrate a very specific manifestation of intelligence get the keys to the kingdom, while those who deviate tend to fall between the cracks. After overcoming his own struggles with how intelligence is defined, passion and perseverance for long-term personal goals are at the core of Scott Barry Kaufman’s new theory of Personal Intelligence. Kaufman elucidates that if we want to increase self-actualization in students, we need to take into account the child’s dreams, passions, and goals, and harness their greatest strengths in the service of realizing who they truly want to become. A leading expert in the exciting new field of human-centered education, Kaufman applies the latest science of positive psychology and self-actualization coaching to help all people get on the path to reach their full potential. Kaufman’s research has particular implications for children who have learning difficulties, including dyslexia, ADHD, autism, and emotional and behavioral disorders, as well as other vulnerable populations, such as ethnic and racial minority students.

  • Unlocking Creative Potential in the Workplace

    What does it take to unlock your greatest creative potential at work and beyond? Drawing on his extensive research for the past 20 on years on what “creative people do differently” and his latest revision of Maslow’s famous “hierarchy of needs,” Scott Barry Kaufman traces the main factors that allow people and organizations to maximize their creative potential. A leading expert in the exciting new field of human-centered education, Kaufman applies the latest science of positive psychology and self-actualization coaching to help all people get on the path to reach their full potential. Kaufman will help people increase the chances they will feel completely absorbed in their tasks and activities — while at work and in their daily lives so that they can be naturally more productive and find more meaning, creativity, and purpose in their lives.

What other organizations say about Scott Barry Kaufman

Scott Barry Kaufman was an engaging, energetic speaker, and a pleasure to work with. He was the kick-off speaker for our online event series themed around Open Communication. Scott presented a wonderful, fully customized talk that weaved together research, humor, and a personal call to action. In this Zoom age where many events are strictly lecture based, Scott was able to fully engage our community using the chat feature and we received an overwhelming positive response from participants in our post-event surveys. We would have Scott back anytime.  

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