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Ryan Campbell

Keynote Speaker

Youngest Solo Pilot to Circumnavigate the Globe; One of Australia’s 50 Great Explorers; Plane Crash Survivor; Incomplete Paraplegic; Best-Selling Author

Ryan Campbell's gripping story of adventure and adversity leaves audiences in laughter and tears, and inspired into action. Ryan delivers an incredible and unforgettable keynote on mental health and resilience and sets the scene with stories of his record-breaking solo flight around the world and surviving a plane crash, before revealing his greatest lesson hidden in the purchase of an Elvis-inspired 1960 pink Cadillac.

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Ryan Campbell'S SPEAKING FEE Under $25,000

Ryan Campbell Profile Photo

Ryan Campbell is one of the world’s leading mental health and resilience keynote speakers. His gripping story of adventure and adversity leaves audiences in laughter, tears, and inspired into action. As a teenager, Ryan became the youngest solo pilot to fly around the world and was named one of Australia’s 50 great explorers. But everything changed after a tragic plane crash that left him with a paraplegic diagnosis, told he would never walk again.

Over the next several years, Ryan’s incredible recovery back to walking and flying again defied the odds. While he ticked the boxes that defined success, his mental health had never been worse. Like many in today’s world, Ryan was struggling with burnout, anxiety, and depression.

His missing puzzle piece wasn’t found in a massive global expedition or miraculous recovery. Ryan’s greatest lesson was parked right in his driveway.

Today, Ryan speaks to organizations around the world about the life-changing power of prioritizing joy. Through the story of his Elvis-inspired 1960 pink Cadillac, he shares accessible and attainable frameworks that will immediately improve mental health, fuel performance, and transform culture.

Through harnessing the power of joy, Ryan helps audiences shift their thinking so that they can step back in order to show up better. All by asking one simple question…

What’s Your Pink Cadillac?

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Ryan Campbell

Ryan Campbell Speaker Reel

Ryan Campbell’s Speech Topics

  • What’s Your Pink Cadillac? The Transformational Power of Prioritizing Joy

    Dive into the joy-fueled resilience hidden in our hobbies, interests, and simple pleasures. In a fast-paced world where our challenges are relentless and the solutions seem out of reach, Ryan delivers a message of accessible, attainable change. From the highs of a world record-breaking expedition to the most unimaginable low of a plane crash and paraplegic diagnosis, Ryan uses his story to highlight the realities of adversity and the role of resilience. A message built on the importance of mental health and self-care, What’s Your Pink Cadillac? uncovers the most unexpected, transformational tool discovered in the most unexpected place, the purchase of a 1960 Pink Cadillac. Get ready to smile like a kid, step back, and show up better.

    As a result of this program, attendees will:

    • Develop a new understanding of adversity and the role of resilience
    • Discover the hidden power of our hobbies, interests, and simple pleasures
    • Unlock the tools to improve mental health, fuel performance, and improve culture
    • Identify and share their own personal Pink Cadillacs
    • Identify the five steps to driving our Pink Cadillacs
  • Becoming #Turbulencetough: Your Ticket to Overcoming Adversity, Navigating Change, and Building a Better Future

    We all face turbulence, but the secret to smoother air lies in one’s willingness to fill their Mindset Toolbox with the tools used to divert around bad weather and overcome change, challenge, crisis, and adversity. Organizations are constantly struggling to find the right tools they need to not only overcome and re-invent but ride out the roughest bumps. In this session, Ryan Campbell uses Aussie storytelling to deliver the experience-earned tools, mindsets, and strategies to not only navigate today but build a better future.

    Your audience will learn how to:

    • Adopt a #TurbulenceTough mindset for life
    • Navigate change quickly and confidently using the proven 3-Step Checklist
    • Use adversity as a fuel for building resilient individuals and teams
    • Find confidence in your ability to overcome all change and challenge by filling your Mindset Toolbox
    • Use change, challenge, crisis, and adversity as a propellant for building a better future
  • Your Healthy and Positive Mindset Allows You to Change the World — One Patient at a Time. Sincerely, a Patient

    World record-breaking pilot and plane crash survivor Ryan Campbell understands the power of the healthcare industry from a unique perspective – that of the spinal cord injury recovery ward. Five breaks in his back, a fractured orbital, a shattered ankle, and a complete spinal cord injury at L1 left Ryan in hospital for six months as he began his journey back to walking and flying again. One of the largest contributors to Ryan’s recovery was the empowering healthcare environment, and he is now on a new mission to help those healthcare industry members who are struggling through their own change and adversity journeys. The global healthcare system is experiencing immense challenges as a direct result of the pandemic. Always a high pressure and ever-changing world, COVID-19 is placing new and unexpected demands on day-to-day operations, leading to constantly evolving operational processes, high-stress workplace environments, paralyzing workloads, and healthcare workers who are now in need of their own care.

    Immense fatigue, both mental and physical, is a threat to the core workforce of the healthcare industry. The negative effects of poor mental health in the workplace are extensive, and a threat in and of themselves. The remedy? A strong yet simple foundational approach to ensure all healthcare industry personnel have the tools they need to succeed both personally and professionally. Through virtual or in-person, Ryan’s dedicated healthcare industry sessions will not only provide a much-needed morale boost but will ensure the front-line workers and industry professionals are being provided with the tools, tactics, and mindsets to combat the change, challenge, crisis, and adversity that they are currently facing.


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