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Jason Furman

WSB Exclusive Speaker

Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers (2013–2017)

President Barack Obama’s chief economist Jason Furman helped guide the United States through a tumultuous period of recession, unemployment and instability. He offers an incisive insider’s exploration of the geoeconomic outlook, business trends and the future of globalism. 

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Jason Furman is the Aetna Professor of the Practice of Economic Policy at Harvard University. Previously he served as a top economic adviser to President Obama including serving as the 28th chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. In this role, he served as President Obama’s chief economist and a member of the Cabinet. Furman has conducted research in a wide range of areas, such as fiscal policy, tax policy, health economics, Social Security, and domestic and international macroeconomics. He is a regular contributor to the Wall Street Journal and a frequent commentator on Bloomberg and CNBC. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University.

Featured Videos

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Jason Furman

A Conversation with Jason Furman – Licensing Restrictions on Jobs

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Jason Furman

Robots, inequality and oil: economic growth with Jason Furman – Zeitgeist 2016

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Jason Furman

Jason Furman “AI Policy Considerations” (Disc: Judy Chevalier)

Jason Furman’s Speech Topics

  • Automation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the American Workforce

    There is a lively debate happening in technology company boardrooms, the hallways of Capitol Hill, and with generations of employees themselves: Will advances in automation and artificial intelligence (AI) soon render human labor unnecessary? Jason Furman believes that AI holds enormous promise for the future of the U.S. economy. In order to fulfill that promise, he argues, companies must identify and share best practices and government must put the right policies in place. Furman can not only discuss the technologies that could transform the workforce, he can also provide transparency about the various data points behind the AI reality.

  • The Biden Agenda and What It Means For Your Organization

    Major policy changes are constantly in the works, including the American Rescue Plan, Build Back Better, and changes to trade and regulatory policy. As one of the main architects of President Obama’s response to the financial crisis and an early and influential proponent of fiscal stimulus in response to the COVID crisis, Jason Furman offers businesses and organizations expert insights into the economic effects and political prospects for infrastructure and climate investments, tax changes, and administrative changes to trade and regulation and what all of this will mean for the budget deficit and the long-run sustainability of the economy. From labor markets and financial reform to the business prospects for a transformed U.S. economic policy, this conversation can be customized to suit the specific needs of your audience.

  • Global Economic Outlook: What’s Next?

    Drawing on his role as the chief economist for the President of the United States during a time of tumultuous change, Jason Furman outlines the geopolitical and economic trends and developments every organization needs to know. As instability, migration and security concerns continue and trade agreements and treaties between nations face a tenuous new era, Furman offers experienced counsel to businesses concerned about their place in the global environment.

  • Bridging the Gap of Inequality: Populism and Where to Go From Here

    Headline growth has been good, but much of the public still sees an economy that’s  generated subpar income gains for decades. What’s behind this disconnect? Fueled by years of experience working closely with President Obama on economic policy, Jason Furman explains how increasing inequality and declining participation in the workforce have aligned with a rise of political populism to affect public sentiment. With technology increasingly rewarding those with skills and threatening the wages—and in some cases the jobs—of those without, many Americans are struggling with record levels of inequality. In this discussion, Furman offers insight into this dynamic—and where you should look to see progress.


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