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Ian Khan

Keynote Speaker

"The Futurist"; Technology Futurist on Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, and Future Human Potential; Featured on CNN, Fox, BBC, Bloomberg

Ian Khan is the author of the latest Generative AI explainer The Quick Guide to Prompt Engineering, and Host of "The AI Revolution" episodic series on Amazon Prime. From AI and blockchain to the metaverse and beyond, Khan is a multiple-time author, media personality, and critical thinker and Future Readiness pioneer, creating KPI's to measure Future Readiness and an AI Readiness Index. Ian has an explosive stage presence and has been called a "tour de force".

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Ian Khan, a.k.a “The Futurist”, is an emerging technology futurist featured on CNN, BBC, Bloomberg, Fast Company. Ian is the author of the highly anticipated Metaverse for Dummies the first comprehensive explainer for the Metaverse. Ian also created the Future Readiness Operating System (FROS™) and the Future Readiness Score(FRS™), used by leading organizations as a tool for Future Readiness. He is also an authority on Web3, Metaverse Security and speaks about Digital Transformation through Algorithms, Robotics, Automation and Blockchain. Ian has also produced several critically acclaimed documentaries available on Prime Video, Emirates Airlines and leading streaming platforms. A highly sought after Future Readiness pioneer, Ian is an energetic keynote speaker sharing his insights with audiences worldwide, virtually and in person.

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Ian Khan

Ian Khan Speaking Reel

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Ian Khan

Ian Khan on Showing Up For Your Life Mission & Purpose

Ian Khan’s Speech Topics

  • The Undisrupted – A Code for Leadership in the Era of AI

    Leadership in the AI era demands a new code—one that embraces change, fosters innovation, and cultivates resilience. This keynote delves into the principles of undisrupted leadership, providing a blueprint for guiding organizations through the complexities of AI-driven transformation. Learn how to inspire your team, make strategic decisions with AI insights, and navigate the ethical challenges of emerging technologies. By adopting this code, leaders can ensure their organizations not only survive but thrive in an era of constant disruption, maximizing ROI and sustaining growth.

  • 7 Steps to Become an AI-Enabled Enterprise

    Becoming an AI-enabled enterprise is a journey that starts with a clear strategy and ends with transformative results. In this session, we outline the seven critical steps to integrating AI into your business. From identifying high-impact use cases and building a data-driven culture to deploying scalable AI solutions and measuring ROI, this roadmap provides a comprehensive guide. Learn from industry leaders and real-world examples on how to navigate challenges and seize opportunities, ensuring your organization is well-positioned to thrive in the AI era.

  • The New Era of Intelligence

    Welcome to the New Era of Intelligence, where data drives decisions and automation powers progress. In this age, businesses are harnessing the unprecedented capabilities of AI to transform operations, innovate products, and enhance customer experiences. By leveraging intelligent systems, organizations can predict market trends, optimize supply chains, and personalize marketing efforts. This era isn’t just about technology; it’s about a strategic shift towards smarter, data-driven business models that yield higher returns on investment and set the stage for sustainable growth. Embrace the intelligence revolution and unlock the potential to outpace competitors and lead your industry.

  • New Foundations, Frameworks, and the Future for Business

    As we look to the future, new foundations and frameworks are emerging that will redefine business. This keynote delves into the latest trends and technologies shaping the business landscape, from AI and blockchain to advanced analytics and cloud computing. Explore how these foundational elements are creating new opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and value creation. Learn how to adapt and build a future-ready business that thrives on change and positions itself for sustained success in a rapidly evolving market.

  • Emerging Tech Trifecta and the Value Creation Explosion with IoT, AI, and Blockchain

    The convergence of IoT, AI, and blockchain is creating a value creation explosion, transforming industries and business models. This keynote explores how these three technologies are intersecting to drive unprecedented efficiency, transparency, and innovation. From smart contracts and decentralized applications to predictive maintenance and automated decision-making, discover the myriad ways this tech trifecta is unlocking new opportunities for ROI. Learn how to harness this convergence to future-proof your business and lead in the digital age.

What other organizations say about Ian Khan

Ian also delivered a keynote at the American Supplychain Association in Chicago last week and delivered a highly resonating keynote on the future of the Supply Chain Industry and the Role of Artificial Intelligence.


What other organizations say about Ian Khan

Ian was an outstanding keynote speaker at FinovateSpring; he is a tour de force! His understanding of how technology will change the world and his ability to communicate that captivated the audience.  



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