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Chris Dyer

Keynote Speaker

3 Time Bestselling Author and #1 Ranked Leadership Speaker

Chris Dyer doesn't just speak about change; he is the architect of a movement that redefines what it means to lead with intention, insight, and integrity in the modern workplace. At the heart of his philosophy lies the conviction that understanding and leveraging the science of culture is not just a strategy but a competitive advantage.

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Chris Dyer'S SPEAKING FEE $25K - $40K

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The number one challenge organizations have today is knowing how to effectively create a high-performing culture. Managers believe that culture is an art and not a science. But the truth is there are seven specific ways proven to scale culture and normalize behavior happening inside an organization.

Through Chris Dyer’s journey managing thousands of people as the CEO of a leading human capital business and based on his work with organizations like Citibank, Johnson & Johnson, NASA, and Berkshire Hathaway, Chris has written three bestselling books that have cracked the code and deciphered the seven foundational pillars of culture. 

When leaders harness the science behind high-performing culture they feel empowered to create and lead through meaningful change. No longer will they believe culture is some abstract nefarious concept. Instead, every leader will know how to cultivate it, lead with it, and harness the power of company culture while increasing performance, productivity, and profits. 

Featured Videos

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Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer Promotional Video

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Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer on Mastering Tough Conversations

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Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer on The Power of Company Culture

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Chris Dyer

Chris Dyer on Navigating the Next Decade

Chris Dyer’s Speech Topics

  • WTF?! – 7 Pillars of Amazing Culture

    Are you stuck figuring out where to focus (WTF) to improve engagement and performance? After years of research and countless interviews with top leaders across industries, Chris Dyer has uncovered seven key ingredients that matter in every workplace. These unconventional factors have the power to transform any culture, kick-starting productivity, performance, and profits.

    In this dynamic and interactive keynote, Chris shares the seven things every leader can do better to improve culture and make a real difference, from the C-suite all the way down to new managers. Audience members will assess their effectiveness with all seven pillars of workplace culture and learn where they stand. This keynote has been shared with tens of thousands of people, averaging 4.9 out of 5 stars and comes from his best-selling book: The Power of Company Culture.

    Seriously, WTF?! Do you make your employees’ strengths stronger or improve their weaknesses? Come find out!

    Learning Objectives:

    • Uncovering the top seven things that make a difference at work
    • Learning how to better budget time and effort to make improvements
    • Developing a personal plan to connect with your employees and determine WTF
    • Identifying tactical tips to change your culture for the better
  • Mastering Tough Conversations: Dealing with Difficult People

    What conversations have you been avoiding?  

    Just the thought of broaching certain topics can be enough to bring on a spontaneous stomachache and palms so sweaty you’ll be glad shaking hands went out of style.

    Sometimes saying what’s on your mind is easier said than done. Where do you start, and what direction should you take the conversation? How do you prepare, and how do you know when you’ve gone too far?

    In this poignant keynote, organizational communication expert Chris Dyer will help audience members understand how to take on tough conversations with skill, tact, and grace. He breaks down key strategies for leading different types of discussions, while also providing powerful tactics for quelling confrontation avoidance.  

    Having purposeful conversations, no matter the topic is the ultimate weapon for building an extraordinary culture. This keynote is sure to impact your team for years to come!

    Learning Objectives:

    • Identifying when tough conversations need to happen
    • Identifying cognitive biases that impact how information is perceived
    • Knowing how and when to end a conversation
    • Identifying personality types and leveraging the best strategy
  • Embracing the Future of Work

    Join Chris Dyer in a compelling journey towards a future where work is redefined, not by the tools we use, but by the cultures we cultivate and the humanity we uphold. Chris’s vision for the future of work transcends technological determinism, placing a spotlight on the indomitable spirit of human creativity and the foundational role of culture in achieving sustained success. His insights are backed by the accolades his companies have received, recognized for growth and excellence in workplace culture.

    This keynote is not merely a forecast of what the future holds but a roadmap for leaders and organizations ready to navigate the next decade with foresight, empathy, and a commitment to cultivating an environment where both people and AI contribute to collective success.

    Through this keynote, attendees will gain invaluable insights into the impact of AI trends on the workforce, focusing on the practical application of technologies like ChatGPT and their potential to revolutionize industries while also posing challenges to traditional employment models. Then, strategies for navigating the ethical quandaries presented by AI, ensuring that its integration into the workplace honors principles of transparency, accountability, and human-centric design. Finally, the imperative of upskilling and reskilling to align with an AI-driven future, highlighting the importance of human-machine collaboration to enhance creativity, problem-solving, and productivity.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Insightful analysis of AI’s evolving role in the workplace and its broader societal implications.
    • Practical guidance on ethical AI use, focusing on human welfare and organizational integrity.
    • Effective strategies for fostering a workplace culture that balances technological innovation with human values, ensuring that the future of work is not only productive but also profoundly human.

What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Your content and delivery were both terrific! We consider anything over 4.5 best in class, and you clearly did a phenomenal job. Thank you!


What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Having Chris Dyer deliver keynotes to our worldwide leadership team not once, but twice, speaks volumes about his exceptional ability. Our leaders consistently rate him as the top speaker, greatly appreciating the actionable advice, compelling stories, and the refreshing candor that he brings to every session. Chris’s impact on our team is both profound and enduring. He is also the epitome of professionalism and is incredibly easy to work with.

Medical Equipment

What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

I had almost forgotten that leading a team can be fun and fulfilling! Thanks to Chris Dyer’s advice, I am more motivated than ever… and I can see my team mirroring my enthusiasm. Chris Dyer is funny, he’s relatable, and he has changed the way I think about leadership.

Executive Development/Coaching

What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Innovative ideas. Incredible insight. And most importantly, practical take-home advice. Chris Dyer was a fantastic speaker at our SMART IDEAS Summit. He received top marks from our invited guests for the quality of his content and entertaining delivery style! A delight to work with!


What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Chris spoke at one of our Leadership meetings. The team found his thoughts and ideas interesting, entertaining (cockroach meetings are a fascinating concept!) and of practical value. His talk had lasting impact by encouraging a more productivity-oriented approach to the meeting cadence in our team. A quote we still use at each staff meeting is “how are you showing up today?” Would gladly welcome Chris again to another event!


What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Chris’ conversations and seminars on meetings and remote work culture always connect with our clients, providing the kind of transformative insight that opens up new avenues and strategies to them. The feedback speaks to its impact, but their own testimonials are even impactful for us to see, time and again.

Human Resources

What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

If given the opportunity, I would absolutely book Chris Dyer again. I first came across Chris Dyer when searching for someone to lead an interactive webinar around the topic of company culture. His knowledge and expertise aligned perfectly with the content we were hoping to share, but it was ultimately his engaging personality that sealed the deal.


What other organizations say about Chris Dyer

Chris was fantastic, bringing practical insights on how to assist organizations to be really successful and transform. I think one of the key takeaways to me was around the transparency. It was powerful messaging.



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