Cara Silletto
Cara Silletto on Two Types of Employees – Dependable & Revolving Door
Cara Silletto Speaking Reel
Cara Silletto on What Millennials Want
Cara Silletto on Two Types of Employees – Dependable & Revolving Door
Keynote Speaker
Workforce Thought Leader and Author of Staying Power: Why Your Employees Leave and How to Keep Them Longer
Workforce thought leader, author, and powerful female keynote speaker Cara Silletto, MBA, CSP, shifts manager mindsets so they can better lead and retain today's new workforce. Workforce Magazine named Cara a “Game Changer” and listed her in their “Top 10 Company Culture Expert to Watch.” She's a 2018 Forty Under 40 recipient in Louisville, KY, and she’s been quoted in Forbes, HuffPost, The Boston Globe, and more.
Recognized by as a “Top 10 Company Culture Expert to Watch”, Cara Silletto’s insights have benefited more than 30,000 leaders nationwide, solidifying her position as a trusted field expert. Workforce Magazine named her a ‘game changer’ and she has set herself apart with her groundbreaking solutions to workplace challenges.
Holding an MBA, Silletto uses her hands-on experience and keen business insight to highlight the benefits of proficient workforce management. Each year, she leads 50-100 workshops and keynotes, offering tactical strategies to navigate the intricacies of today’s workforce. Her influence goes beyond the stage as she’s been featured in major publications like USA Today, Forbes, and Huffington Post.
Silletto authored Staying Power: Why Your Employees Leave and How to Keep Them Longer, providing real-world expertise and highlighting practical retention strategies. With her background as an association event planner and lifetime spent on stage, she knows how to captivate and educate audiences effectively.
When employee turnover seems never-ending, it negatively affects everyone on staff and keeps organizations from building cohesive teams. As many organizations remain consistently understaffed, it becomes vital that everyone plays a part in improving retention. Doing so means less stress and more restful sleep at night for all!
This session will energize and empower your entire team to reduce “us versus them” conflicts at work. Participants will leave this powerful, engaging session with a renewed sense of commitment to the organization and ownership in the retention solution. Our people are our greatest retention advocates, so let’s all attract others onto our teams, instead of repelling the talent we can’t afford to lose.
Learning Objectives:
Amidst the continued challenges of attracting and retaining talent, leaders are grappling with disengaged employees who no longer respond to traditional management styles. The former one-size-fits-all approach has become obsolete as today’s team members each require a personalized care plan. This demands more time and attention from already overloaded leaders, who have the most influence on whether people stay or go.
We must prioritize culture and lead differently to meet the unique needs of today’s workforce. Join us to explore the new Magnet Culture guide to create a place where people want to work.
Learning Objectives
Finding and keeping lasting talent today is harder than ever because the employer-employee relationship has evolved dramatically since the days of lifelong pensions. While organizations can reduce employee turnover, they cannot eliminate it, which means staffing challenges – and their financial impact – are here to stay. We’ve reached a tipping point now where managers and employees can no longer “do more with less,” and still meet organizational goals and customer expectations, so bold changes are needed moving forward for organizations planning to remain in business.
While many industries have normalized business practices that are no longer effective for managing today’s new workforce, executives hold the power to recalibrate to a more sustainable approach that balances operations and our people. Join us to explore the new Magnet Culture guide to operationalize unavoidable turnover and keep the staff we cannot afford to lose by creating a place where people want to work.
Learning Objectives:
Instead of fueling the “us versus them” fire on your team, it’s time to explore the “why” behind the unique mindsets of our multigenerational workforce. Understand how Baby Boomers, GenX, Millennials, and GenZ were raised differently and the impact of their upbringing on the employer-employee relationship. We will also dispel myths about younger workers’ perceived lack of professionalism and work ethic.
Magnet Culture’s award-winning generational lens provides valuable insights to navigate key challenges and opportunities presented by today’s new workforce. It’s time to create a workplace that more effectively manages multi-generational teams, as one-size leadership styles no longer fit all.
Learning Objectives
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